
NT $ 204
  • 作者:崔佳穎
  • 出版社:經濟管理出版社
  • 出版日期:2013-09-01
  • 語言:簡體中文
  • ISBN10:7509626021
  • ISBN13:9787509626023
  • 裝訂:216頁 / 普通級 / 2-1




PART ONE Prologue
CHAPTER ONE Introduction to Organizational Behavior
1.1 What is Organizational Behavior?
1.1.1 Definition of Organizational Behavior
1.1.2Contributing Disciplines
1.1.3 ResearchChart of Organizational Behavior
1.2 Why Study Organizational Behavior?
1.2.1 Management Functions and Organizational Behavior
1.2.2 Organizational Behavior and Manager
1.3 Generation and Development of Organizational Behavior
1.3.1 Frederick W.Taylor
1.3.2 Henri Fayol and Theory of Administration
1.3.3 Mary Parker Follett
1.3.4 Hawthorne Studies
1.3.5 Doglas McGregor
1.3.6 Peter F.Drucker
1.4 AncientChinese Philosophy
1.4.2 Taoism
1.4.3 Legist
PART TWO Individuals in Organizations
CHAPTER TWO Ability, Personality and Emotion
2.1 Ability
2.2 Personality
2.2.1 The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
2.2.2 Type A and Type B Personality
2.2.3 The Big-Five Model
2.2.4 Four Temperaments
2.2.5 Personality-Job Fit Theory
2.3 Emotion
CHAPTER THREE Perception and Attribution
3.1 Perception
3.1.1 Factors Influencing Perception
3.1.2 Illusion in Perception
3.1.3 Biases in Person Perception
3.2 Attribution
CHAPTER FOUR Value and Attitude
4.1 Value
4.2 Attitude
5.1 Concept of Motivation
5.2 Development of Motivation Theories
5.2.1 Maslow’’ s Hierarchy of Needs Theory
5.2.2 ERG Theory
5.2.3 Herzberg’’ s Two-Factor Theory
5.2.4 McCleUand’’ s Theory of Needs
5.2.5 Equity Theory
5.2.6 Expectancy Theory
5.2.7 Goal-setting Theory
5.3 Application of Motivation
PART THREE Groups in Organizations
CHAPTER SIX Work Groups and Teams
6.1 Foundation of Group Behavior
6.1.1 Definition of Group
6.1.2 Group Decision Making
6.2Creating Effective Teams
6.2.1 Team Development
6.2.2 Reasons for Team Building
6.2.3Creating Effective Teams
CHAPTER SEVENCommunication
7.1 Definition ofCommunication
7.2 Functions ofCommunication
7.2.2 Providing Information
7.2.3 Motivating Organizational Members
7.2.4 Expressing Feelings and Emotions
7.3 Process ofCommunication
7.4 Factors InfluencingCommunication
7.4.1 Language
7.4.2 Information Filtering
7.4.3 Perception
7.4.4 Information Overload
7.5 ImprovingCommunication Skill
8.1Concept of leadership
8.2 Leadership Theories
8.2.1 Trait Theory
8.2.2 Behavioral and Style Theory Period
8.2.3 Situational andContingency Theories
8.2.4 New Development of Leadership Theories
CHAPTER NINE Power andConflict
9.1 Power
9.2 Conflict
9.2.1 Phases ofConflict
9.2.2 Ways of AddressingConflict
PART FOUR Organization Processes
CHAPTER TEN Organizational Structure and Design
10.1 Organizational Structure
10.1.1 Definition of Organizational Structure
10.1.2 Organizational Structure Types
10.1.3 OrganizationalCircle: Moving Back to Flat
10.2 Organization Design
CHAPTER ELEVEN OrganizationalCulture
11.1 Definition of OrganizationalCulture
11.2 Functions of OrganizationalCulture
11.3 Typologies of OrganizationalCultures
11.3.1 Geert Hofstede
11.3.2 Edgar Schein
11.4 How Employees LearnCulture
11.4.1 Rites
11.4.2 Stories
11.4.3 Languages
CHAPTER TWELVE Management of Change
12.1 Forces forChange
12.2 Impediments toChange
12.3 Organizational Development
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