Statistics for Business and Economics(十版)

Statistics for Business and Economics(十版)
NT $ 1,008 ~ 1,064
  • 作者:McClave
  • 出版社:華泰文化
  • 出版日期:2007-05-07
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:0132069733
  • ISBN13:9780132069731
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 944頁 / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版


New To This Edition

  • 1.Thorough and extensively revised exercise sets, up to 20% in each chapter
  • 2.Critical Thinking Challenges —at the end of the “Chapter Supplementary Exercises”, students are asked to apply their critical thinking skills to solve one or two challenging real-life business problems.
  • 3.New and updated Statistics in Action –Chapter 1, Chapter 10, Chapter 14
  • 4."Putting it All Together" Flowcharts and Decision Trees - appear at the end of chapters, where appropriate, to offer a visual depiction of how to choose the appropriate statistical method.
  • 5.Activities and Applets to Foster Active Learning in the Classroom
  • 5.1.Approximately 2 activities, within each chapter, encourage students to collect, summarize and analyze data. Doing these activities promotes conceptual understanding of statistical concepts.
  • 5.2.Applets are contained on the textbook CD. They are useful to illustrate concepts in a visual manner. These applets are also integrated, where appropriate, into exercises within the tex

    Content Changes:

  • 1.Single chapter on Probability Distributions — Discrete, continuous, and sampling distributions (previously Chapters 4-6) are now combined into a single chapter (4) to facilitate reduction in coverage of these topics and provide material appropriate for a one-semester course in business statistics.
  • 2.New sections on Identifying the Target Parameter — added to confidence interval chapter (5) and two-sample inferences chapter (7), to aid students in selecting the appropriate parameter to estimate.
  • 3.Streamlined chapters on Regression — several sections from the previous edition have been combined and streamlined to shorten the simple linear regression chapter (10) and multiple regression chapter (11).
  • 4.Time Series and Nonparametric chapters on CD — to shorten the printed length of the text, the last two chapters (13 and 14) are now made available in pdf format on a CD that accompanies the text and online at the Prentice Hall-McClave web site.
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