Putting admirable rationales of university education into practice is never easy. While it is popular to emphasize market values and competitive rankings, moral values and ideals sound way
too lofty nowadays. Under tensions on campus and in society, the head of a university takes the role of striking a balance as skilfully as possible.
Professor Joseph Sung is no exception to all these challenges. He has been enjoying university life with teachers and students, going through ups and downs with them. This book, a collection
of 57 blog articles by Professor Sung during his tenure as the seventh Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, tells us the stories. He talks about higher education and social
responsibility, pathways and choices our youths make, the visions he had and the challenges he faced, and life values which he wishes his students could take seriously. Though generations come
and go, he still cares that they live a simple, noble and humble life. He hopes we care too.