New in This Edition
1.New to every Chapter Personal Inventory Assessments(P.I.A)
2.Chapter 2 now includes major focus not only on managing stress but also on how to enhance and encourage well-being.
3.Chapter 8 replaces the discussion on “delegation” with a focus on “engagement”.
4.Research continues to appear on factors that predict managerial effectiveness and skillful performance. Therefore, we have updated references, studies, and examples to enhance each
chapter’s currency.
5.In an environment filled with instantaneous technology, sound bites of data, and short attention spans, we have been motivated to shorten each of the book’s chapters substantially. With
these reductions, however, we have maintained the empirical evidence and the foundational models and frameworks.
6.In each chapter, references to video examples found in Pearson’s MyManagementLab are noted.