Economics of Leisure and Tourism, 2/e
- 作者:John Tribe
- 出版社:桂魯
- 出版日期:1999-01-01
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:0750642327
- ISBN13:9780750642323
- 裝訂:平裝 / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
Preface to the second edition
1 roduction
Part One Organizations and Markets in Leisure and Tourism
2 Leisure and tourism organizations
3 The market for leisure and tourism products
4 Demand : Choice, elasticity and forcasting
5 Supply and costs Pricing and marketing strategy in the real world
6 Pricing and marketing strategy in the real world
7 Market intervention
Part Two Leisure and Tourism Organizations and the External Environment
8 The competitive environment
9 The economic environment
10 The political and sociocultural environment
11 The technological environment and opportunities and threats analysis
Part Three Investing in Leisure and Tourism
12 Investment appraisal in the private sector
13 Investment and the public sector
Part Four Leisure and Tourism Impacts on the National Economy
14 Leisure and tourism : income, employment and inflation
15 Leisure and tourism and economic growth
Part Five International Aspects of Leisure and Tourism
16 Leisure and tourism : the balance of payments and exchange rates
17 Multinational enterprises
Part Six Leisure and Tourism and Environmental Issues
18 Environmental impacts of leisure and tourism
19 Sustainability and ‘green’ leisure and tourism
Part Seven Integrated Case Studies
20 Integrated case studies
Sources and resources