Humans have been running for millennia. Early hunters relied on running stamina to chase prey for hours. Among the many unique human attributes is our ability to run long
distance. And yet running hurts. Go for a run after work today and you’ll probably wake up tomorrow with stiff limbs and a firm resolution to spend more evenings on the couch watching
TV. Running is a high-impact exercise: every stride sends shudders of force up anatomically complicated ankles and through delicate knees, goading your joints and muscles into injury.
And yet millions train each year for marathons and triathalons the world over. Running Science explains the science behind running—why it hurts, how one can run faster, how
physics of surfaces and the soles of shoes all contribute to performance. This is a guide for anyone interested in running—from those in armchairs who just want to read about the science of
sport, to others who are looking for ways to better their next marathon.