A book for runners, marathoners, and joggers!
Runners will enjoy this fun and lighthearted look at running enthusiasts who, of course, resemble them in many ways. This is both a send-up of runners and an affirmation of certain
aspects of the running life. While laughing at this satire of the habits, attitudes and lifestyle of runners, they are laughing at themselves and also getting solid advice and tips on the
activity they love.
The Way of the Runner: A Journey into the Fabled World of Japanese Running
$350 -
To the Finish Line: A World Champion Triathlete’s Guide to Your Perfect Race - Library Edition
$3,710 -
Run: For Fun, 5k, 10k, Half & Marathon
$560 -
50 Shades of Hillwalking
$523 -
America’s Best Trails: Scenic, Historic, Amazing
$698 -
Anywhere: A Mythogeography of South Devon and How to Walk It
$1,125 -
Running Around the World
$698 -
The Runner’s Guide to a Healthy Core: How to Strengthen the Engine That Powers Your Running
$595 -
Unforgettable Walks
$980 -
Running With a Police Escort: Tales from the Back of the Pack
$805 -
Wainwright’s Illustrated Walking Guide to the Lake District: Southern Fells
$770 -
To the Finish Line: A World Champion Triathlete’s Guide to Your Perfect Race
$1,225 -
Ironfit’s Marathons After 40: Smarter Training for the Ageless Athlete
$698 -
The Ultimate Triathlon Workout Book: Everything You Need to Know to Have Your Best Finish Yet
$700 -
The Ultimate Hiker’s Gear Guide: Tools & Techniques to Hit the Trail
$700 -
Take a Walk Portland: More Than 75 Walks in Natural Places from the Gorge to Hillsboro and Vancouver to Tualatin
$663 -
Train to Tri: Your First Triathlon
$768 -
Triathlon Starting Out: Training for Your First Competition
$628 -
$249 -
Zombies, Run!