
By New York Times Bestselling Authors Bryan and Jeffrey Eisenberg with Anthony Garcia, "Buyer Legends: An Executive Storytellers Guide" describes a business process that combines the emotional power of storytelling with hard data to open new opportunities, spot gaps and optimize your sales and marketing.By using Buyer Legends in your organization you will:• Improve communications - Your whole team will see and understand both the bigger picture and the important details• Improve execution - You will turn big directives into purposeful and more effective actions• Improve testing. You will understand how to plan and implement more effective and impactful tests • Make more money. You will see improved conversion rates that make the up-front planning worth the time and effortAfter reading this, you will have more insight as to why your marketing execution may not be meeting expectations and why your team might be struggling to “get it.” You will learn how to communicate your brand’s story intent and the responsibility of each critical touch point within every level of your organization, from the boardroom to the stockroom. The Buyer Legends process IS one of the final pieces of a complex puzzle that has been missing from most modern marketing efforts.Wouldn’t you like to have an edge in turning your brand into a legend?"Having worked first hand with the Eisenbergs on mapping our customers’ critical paths and creating scenario narratives, I can confidently say the Buyer Legends process works. My team’s focus at Google is on acquiring SMB advertising clients. And if you’ve ever worked with these types of businesses, you know there is huge diversity through the spectrum of small and medium businesses. We’d miss opportunities and gaps by over-aggregating (i.e. taking too high level a view) though often the challenge was in effectively communicating our insights. The Buyer Legends framework allowed us to more effectively focus our efforts, improving the bottom line. And equally important, to make a more compelling case for change with our marketing, engineering and product colleagues."Paul JeszenszkyHead of Global B2B Digital Marketing Center of Excellence, Google"The most clear-headed and useful guide ever for developing relevant and resonant stories about your business."Jay BaerPresident, Convince & Convert"Buyer Legends introduced me to a structured process which uses storytelling techniques to align our brand story to our customers experiences. With so many of our customers having an unique experience every day on Airbnb, it is our task to collect and communicate a collective narrative in the Airbnb brand story. While the Airbnb storyboarding technique, as described in the introduction, gives a clear overview of the customers journey, the motives of our customers and their experiences are many. With global differences on how people travel, making their decision where to stay, and experience the more local hospitality Airbnb provides, Buyer Legends is the marketing tool which binds Persona’s, storyboards and our brand story. This is a powerful combination."Dennis GoedegebuureHead of Global SEO, Airbnb
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