Collaboration and Student Engagement in Design Education
$8,775 -
Graphic Design School: The Principles and Practice of Graphic Design
$2,200 -
Reading Graphic Design in Cultural Context
$1,438 -
Information Design Principles, Interviews and Projects
$1,050 -
Midcentury Christmas: Holiday Fads, Fancies, and Fun from 1945 to 1970
$873 -
Hecho en Cuba: Il cinema nella grafica Cubana / Manifesti dalla collezioine bardellotto : Cinema in the Cuban Graphics / Posters
$1,400 -
The Modern Wedding: From Graphics to Styling
$1,598 -
The Wood That Doesn’t Look Like an Elephant
$2,098 -
Design Basics Made Easy
$560 -
Sustainable Graphic Design: Principles and Practices
$1,798 -
Judge This
$525 -
Simplicity, the Charm of Minimalism / Le Pouvoir du Minimalisme / El Poder del Minimalismo
$2,098 -
The Weirding Field: The North Texas Spacecraft of Gen Watson, Father and Visionary
$665 -
Paul Rand: A Designer’s Art
$1,750 -
You Are Here NYC: Mapping the Soul of the City
$873 -
Multimedia Foundations: Core Concepts for Digital Design
$3,148 -
Dear Data
$1,225 -
Graphic Design in Urban Environments
$5,490 -
Liberty Style Textures
$6,075 -
Mixed Messages Journal