Understanding Color: An Introduction for Designers
$3,150 -
Art Deco Patterns Coloring Book
$210 -
British Painting, Sculpture And the Graphic Arts 1880-1945
$3,375 -
Multimedia Foundations: Core Concepts for Digital Design
$3,148 -
Graphic: 500 Designs That Matter
$690 -
Hecho en Cuba: Il cinema nella grafica Cubana / Manifesti dalla collezioine bardellotto : Cinema in the Cuban Graphics / Posters
$1,400 -
Advertising by Design: Generating and Designing Creative Ideas Across Media
$3,150 -
You Are Here NYC: Mapping the Soul of the City
$873 -
Reading Graphic Design in Cultural Context
$1,438 -
Fantastic Cityscapes: A Mister Mourao Coloring Book
$455 -
Design Basics Made Easy
$560 -
Collaboration and Student Engagement in Design Education
$8,775 -
Paul Rand: A Designer’s Art
$1,750 -
Handmaking in Design
$1,598 -
Read Nothing in Here: 21 Things You Should Know About Nothing
$523 -
500 Greetings: Invitations, Greeting Cards, Postcards, & Self-Promotion Material
$1,225 -
Otto Treumann: Graphic Design in the Netherlands
$1,125 -
Boundless Books: 50 Literary Classics Transformed into Works of Art
$1,400 -
Multimedia Foundations: Core Concepts for Digital Design
$9,000 -
Graphic Design School: The Principles and Practice of Graphic Design