The Perfectly Roasted Chicken: 20 New Ways to Roast Plus a Host of Salads, Soups, Pastas and More

The Perfectly Roasted Chicken: 20 New Ways to Roast Plus a Host of Salads, Soups, Pastas and More
NT $ 698


Among the simplest of dishes, few satisfy in both the making and the eating like a perfectly roasted chicken. Affordable and easy for beginner cooks, this classic dish is just as fresh and satisfying as it’s always been. Mindy Fox includes classic and modern takes on roasting a chicken, plus inspirational side dishes, and she also adds a healthful yet delicious seasonal twist with recipes for leftovers such as Chicken Salad with Frisee, Figs, and Pine Nuts or Chicken Tacos with Avocado Salad and Lime. Pastas, salads, sandwiches, small plates, brunches, lunches, or dinners—it’s all here. Pass around Vietnamese Summer Rolls at a dinner party or indulge in a Baked Mac, Chicken, and Cheese. Whether you’re cooking for one, two, a family, or a party, THE PERFECTLY ROASTED CHICKEN delivers.
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