Seeing the Bigger Picture: American and International Politics in Film and Popular Culture

Seeing the Bigger Picture: American and International Politics in Film and Popular Culture
NT $ 1,843


In this accessible text for undergraduates, Sachleben (political science, Shippensburg U., PA) and Yenerall (political science, Clarion U., PA) tap into student interest in film and TV to facilitate discussion on political issues. Students are encouraged to be critical consumers of media and to examine implicit and explicit messages in narrative and documentary films and shows from various genres, countries, and time periods--even a Bugs Bunny cartoon. The first part of the text gives background on the ideologies of democracy, capitalism, communism, fascism, and authoritarianism. Later chapters use specific films and shows to address issues such as elections, civil rights, political satire, and terrorism. Boxes give background on contemporary and historical events, people, issues, and terms from politics and popular culture. The book is illustrated with b&w photos from films; it contains an extensive filmography. This second edition contains new chapters on human rights, the environment, and the media. Annotation 穢2012 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (
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