"With contributions from worldwide leaders in the field of bariatric surgery, Psychosocial Assessment and Treatment of Bariatric Surgery Patients provides an up-to-date source of information
regarding psychosocial issues in the assessment and treatment of bariatric surgery patients. It is comprehensive in scope and includes background information about bariatric surgery procedures,
assessment of candidates (both by clinical interview and the use of structured interviews and self-report), a review of psychosocial and eating problems that occur pre- and post-operatively,
and a review of both nutritional issues and exercise issues for evaluators and treatment providers. Unique chapters include a chapter on psychopharmacological agents and a chapter on assessment
of special issues in adolescents, who increasingly are the target of bariatric surgery procedures. By the end of the book, readers will know how to evaluate and prepare patients for surgery and
how to treat them after"--Provided by publisher.