Overcoming Teenage Anxiety, Stress and Panic uses the trusted Five Areas model of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) to help young people experiencing anxiey, stress and panic to help
themselves. The Five Areas model communicates life skills and key interventions in a clear, pragmatic and accessible style by examining five important aspects of our lives:
Life situation, relationships, resources and problems
Altered thinking
Altered feelings or moods
Altered physical sensations or symptoms
Altered behaviour or activity levels
This exciting collection of practical and self help workbooks has been developed in liaison with a team of experts working with young people. The course provides access to proven CBT approaches
and addresses all the common challenges faced during times of anxiety, stress and panic, helping the reader make positive changes in their life in a planned and achievable way. A final workbook
is aimed at friends and relatives and describes how to offer support.
The workbooks are key reading for psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and CBT practitioners. They also provide an invaluable resource for school teachers, counsellors, primary care
practitioners, nursing staff, occupational therapists, social workers, youth workers and other self help organisations.
A linked and completely free online support course is located at www.livinglifetothefull.com with additional resources at www.fiveareas.com.
(about the authors should be taken from Overcoming Teenage Low Mood and Depression)