Eating disorders affect at least 11 million people in the United States each year, spreading across age, race, ethnicity, socio-economic class, and the globe. While the professional literature
on the subject has grown considerably, a significant gap remains between research paradigms and clinical realities confronting practitioners. For example, half of all cases are diagnosed with
Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, a heterogeneous category critically overlooked in both clinical and research literature. Furthermore, while many eating disordered patients suffer from
comorbid conditions, research tends to look at these problems singularly. Clinicians remain skeptical about the value of research findings, and researchers remain concerned about the failure of
clinicians to strictly utilize evidence based treatments. This professional schism threatens to curtail critical prevention and treatment advances, ultimately compromising patient care.
This volume bridges such gaps, assuring that research better informs clinical work, and clinical work better informs the research agenda and process. Content areas include: the biopsychosocial
nature of eating disorders; diagnosis and treatment; special populations; family issues; clinical interventions to address mind, body, and spirit; and future directions. This unique integration
of theoretical findings and actual practice borrows a bench-to-bedside approach from medical research, enhancing both domains.
-Real-world clinical findings that will improve the level of care readers can provide, consolidated in one place
-Underrepresented issues such as gender, culture, EDNOS and comorbidity are covered in full
-Outstanding scholarship, with chapters written by expert clinicians and researchers