THE NIMAN RANCH COOKBOOK traces the transformation of a modest family endeavor into a respected nationwide model of sustainable farming-one that is supported by more than 500 independent family
farmers raising livestock according to Niman Ranch's strict animal husbandry protocols. Focusing on beef, pork, and lamb (with illustrated meat charts describing all majors cuts), the book
introduces us to the Niman ranchers, their well-cared-for animals, and a fast-disappearing--but ultimately essential--way of living, eating, and doing business.
The complete story of America's premier meat brand, showcasing the company's unparalleled dedication to compassionate and responsible farming. According to ACNielsen, natural meat sales
nearly doubled between 2002 and 2006 (to $681.3 million), making organic meat the fastest growing segment of the organic food business. Includes 40 recipes contributed by renowned chefs who
champion Niman Ranch meats, including Frank Stitt, Mario Batali, and Suzanne Goin.