John W. Cones has updated his now classic 43 Ways toFinance Your Feature Film: A Comprehensive Analysis of Film Finance with a substantially reorganized and expanded third
An essential reference guide for film professionals on every side of film financing, 43 Ways answers the question that every filmmaker and producer ultimately faces, the issue that
can make or break any venture into the film industry: How do I finance my feature film? The third edition includes updated information and coverage of new options for
In his clear and concise style and with expertise amassed over his nearly twenty years of experience in the film finance industry, Cones breaks financing options down into six main
areas: gifts and grants, investor financing, domestic government subsidies and tax incentive programs, lender financing, international finance options, and studio or industry
financing. Beginning with the forms of financing most likely to be accessible to independent feature film producers, Cones proceeds to other forms that become increasingly available as the
producer’s career matures.
As an objective adviser, Cones provides specific, concise information regarding the many possible financing strategies and lists the distinct pros and cons of each strategy. This
guide covers the options for film financing in rich detail so that even first-time producers and filmmakers will be able to make educated and informed decisions about the best approaches to
financing their films. An extensive bibliography contains additional information about each form of film finance. Cones also counters much of the bad advice being provided by
pseudoprofessional film finance consultants and points out scams that may separate unwary film producers from their money.
Although the book focuses on financing feature films, much of its information is relevant to the financing of other kinds of projects, such as short films, documentaries, videos, and
multimedia and theatrical endeavors. Anyone considering making or investing in a feature film will be well served by this practical and helpful guide.