Quantum Change Made Easy, and the nine universal principles it describes, puts the secrets to how life really works right in the reader's hands. The book introduces a dynamic system,
known as Resonance Repatterning(TM), for unlocking full potential. Quantum Change Made Easy offers both theory and practical applications. Quantum Change Made Easy shows readers
how to change what doesn't work in their lives into a breakthrough opportunity for personal transformation, self-healing and achieving the best. Readers will learn about and experience
universal principles as part of a proven system for personal growth. They will learn such principles as: every person is an energy being, living in a sea of vibrating frequencies; all change
begins at the quantum level, where frequencies and resonance rule; everything has a frequency including back pain and stress at work; the frequencies you resonate with determine the life you
live; when you change the frequencies you resonate with, you change your experience of life. Quantum Change Made Easy includes an introduction to resonance and Resonance Kinesiology,
to unconscious patterns and their Repatternings, and to a worldwide range of energy modalities including sound, light and color, breath, movement, energetic contacts and fragrance, all
illustrated with case histories and made accessible through exercises at the end of each chapter.