A tantalizing peek behind Hollywood's most hard-tohandle leading ladies From the birth of the silver screen, "It Girls" laid down a sequined trail of self-indulgence and scandalous bad
behavior. The stars in this exclusive sorority are both loved and loathed by the press, the fans, and even by each other. Bette Davis once said of Joan Crawford, "I wouldn't sit on her toilet!"
Crawford and Davis raised the bar for the women who followed them into Diva-dom. Hollywood Divas traces that glittering pathfrom legendary icons to today's most high-maintenance celebrities
of film and TV. Includes such stars as: Gloria Swanson Joan Crawford Judy Garland Marilyn Monroe Cher Madonna Julia Roberts Jennifer Lopez Britney Spears Bestselling showbiz author James Robert
Parish delivers an eye-popping behind-thescenes peek into the wild private lives of 70 rampaging bad girls of Hollywood.