Rebel: My Life Outside the Lines
$1,015 -
Alexander Payne: Interviews
$875 -
Women in Asian Performance: Aesthetics and Politics
$1,798 -
Break the Rules and Get the Part: Thirty Monologues for Women
$455 -
Setting the Stage: What We Do, How We Do It, and Why
$943 -
Women in Asian Performance: Aesthetics and Politics
$6,750 -
The Professional Actor’s Handbook: From Casting Call to Curtain Call
$2,700 -
Movement: Onstage and Off
$2,248 -
Harry Langdon: King of Silent Comedy
$1,800 -
Medical Clowning: The Healing Performance
$1,575 -
Performing Antagonism: Theatre, Performance & Radical Democracy
$4,500 -
Rebel: My Life Outside the Lines
$1,015 -
Davinci Resolve 12: Editing Fundamentals
$1,050 -
Last Man Standing: Mort Sahl and the Birth of Modern Comedy
$1,398 -
Mae West: It Ain’t No Sin
$700 -
Philippe Grandrieux: Sonic Cinema
$1,348 -
The Artist’s Compass: The Complete Guide to Building a Life and a Living in the Performing Arts
$560 -
Brian De Palma’s Split-Screen: A Life in Film
$1,350 -
Better: Waking Up to Who We Could Be
$770 -
The Michael Chekhov’s Acting Technique: A Practitioner’s Guide