此書包含有Introduction: CSCW Requirements and Analysis、CSCW and Requirements Analysis: Requirements as Cooperation/Requirements for Cooperation、Measures of Process、The Why, How and What to Evaluate
of InterachonTechnology: A Review and Proposed Integrahon等。
List of Contributors
1Introduction: CSCW Requirements and Analysis
2CSCW and Requirements Analysis: Requirements as Cooperation/Requirements for Cooperation
3”They’’re Supposed to be Fixing it”: Requirements and System Re—design
4Cooperation, as Requirements Analysis and CSCW
5User Requirements from a Group Perspective: The Case of Distance Leaming Mediated by Computer Conferencing
6Early Evaluation of the Organisational Implications of CSCW Systems
7Coordination Breakdowns: How Flexible is Collaborative Work?
8The Why, How and What to Evaluate of InterachonTechnology: A Review and Proposed Integrahon
9 Measures of Process
10 Dealing with Uncertainty—Perspectives on the Evaluation Process
11 The Use of Breakdown Analysis in Synchronous CSCW System Design