《悅讀聯播》(小學版)就是依據《英語課程標準》的精神,專門為中國小學生編寫的一套分級有聲讀物。全系列共8冊,每冊由15篇文章、詩歌或歌謠組成,適合小學三年級至六年級的學生閱讀。學生也可以根據自己的水平靈活選用。另外,這套讀物與劍橋少兒英語考試(Cambridge Young Learners English
1 Bubbles and Squeak
2 Help!
3 Colours
4 Ice Cream
5 TheApple Tree
6 On the Bus
7 Get well soon!
8 What is it?
9 Guess theAnimal
10 I like you!
11 What am I doing?
12 Good Dog, Bad Dog
13 Ten Men Go Marching
14 Seasons
15 The Train, the Bus, the Car and the Motorbike Word List