
NT $ 271


New textbooks on various aspects of theoretical physics seem to overflow the market. A prospective author must be able to provide convincing answers to at least the following questions (posed by the publisher, colleagues, and last but not least, by him/herself and the associated family members). (i) Why bother writing the book? (ii) Is there a sufficient audience for the text? (iii) Isn﹀t the topic already covered by a number of books, and isn﹀t the author﹀s best hope just to add a new wrinkle to the existing lore (and perhaps enhance his/her own publication record)? (iv) Is there any practical need for the book? (v) Are there any important open problems that the book will contribute to finding solutions to (or, at least, be able to identify points where the present understanding is insufficient). ...


Part Ⅰ Introduction to Kinetics and Many-Body Theory
1.Boltzmann Equation
2.Numerical Solutions of the Boltzmann Equation
3.Equilibrium Green Function Theory
Part Ⅱ Nonequilibrium Many-Body Theory
4.Contour Ordered Green Functions
5 Basic Quantum Kinetic Equations
6.Boltzmann Limit
7 Gauge Invariance
8.Quantum Distribution Functions
Part Ⅲ Quantum Transport in Semiconductors
9.Linear Transport
10.A Model for Dynamical Disorder: The Gaussian White Noise Model
11.Quantum High-Field Transport in Semiconductors
12.Transport in Mesoscopic Semiconductor Structures
13.Time-Dependent Phenomena
Part Ⅳ Theory of Ultrafast Kinetics in Laser-Excited Semiconductors
14.Optical Free-Carrier Interband Kinetics in Semiconductors
15.Interband Quantum Kinetics with LO-Phonon Scattering
16.Exciton Quantum Kinetics in Polar Semiconductors
17.Two-Pulse Excitation
18.Coulomb Quantum Kinetics in a Dense Electron Gas
19.Interband Coulomb Quantum Kinetics, Optical Dephasing
20.The Build-Up of Screening After Ultra-Short Pulse Excitation
Subject Index
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