和全球做生意必備會議英語 商務職場必備詞彙+實用句【書+朗讀MP3】

和全球做生意必備會議英語 商務職場必備詞彙+實用句【書+朗讀MP3】
NT $ 236
  • 出版社:希伯崙
  • 出版日期:2021-01-25
  • 語言:繁體中文
  • ISBN10:9864414232
  • ISBN13:9789864414239
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 240頁 / 17.5 x 22.5 x 1.2 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版


  ●當面試官問你:You seem like a strong candidate for this position. What do you consider to be your greatest strength?
  ●你可以這樣回:I’m organized and I work well with others.
  ●你聽不是很清楚時可以說:Your voice sounds distorted/weird. Could you adjust the volume on your side?
  ●並提出建議:The connection isn’t great. Let’s hang up and try again.
  ●和客戶說明:What kind of discount can you offer if we order in bulk?
  ●客戶回答:I can let you have it for 9.99 per unit
  ●討價還價時必說:I was expecting you to offer a discount along the lines of 20 percent.
  本書分為8 大主題,並篩選出各主題之下最實用的商務職場情境,涵蓋共50 個單元。儘管各行各業的情況不同,這些情境卻都是商務人士必定會面臨到的。要學就學一定會派上用場的,這就是速效學習的秘訣。
  1. 新工作上路 2.辦公室英語 3.開會與簡報 4.行銷與企劃
  5. 客戶往來   6.出差與商展 7.談判議價   8.企業發展
  實用句中的重點單字、片語均附例句。除此之外,也詳列其他重要相關用法。本書所列的關聯式延伸內容包含: 同義、反義、衍生、片語、相關、說明、比較 與搭配 等。關聯用法一起學,就算是抽空學習也能面面俱到。


Part 1  The New Job 新工作上路
1-1求職面試 Job Interview
1-2第一天上班 First Day at Work
1-3自我介紹 Introducing Oneself
1-4介紹新成員 Introducing New Team Members
1-5人事行政 Company Personnel
1-6新手上路 Getting Started
1-7辦公設備 Office Equipment
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Part 2  Office Talk 辦公室英語
2-1電話英語 Telephone English
2-2工作協調與分派 Delegating Assignments
2-3請求協助 Asking for Help
2-4尋求及提供建議 Welcome Advice
2-5鼓勵與讚美 Encouragement and Praise
2-6變更行程 Making Changes
2-7請假英語 Asking for Time Off
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Part 3  Meetings and Presentations 開會與簡報 
3-1主持會議 Hosting a Meeting
3-2腦力激盪 Brainstorming Ideas
3-3視訊會議 Videoconferencing
3-4說明簡報目的 Stating the Purpose
3-5鋪陳論述 Moving the Presentation Along
3-6解說圖表 Using Graphs in a Presentation
3-7互動提問 Interacting with the Audience
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Part 4  Marketing and Planning行銷與企劃
4-1促銷方案 Promoting a Product
4-2市場調查 Market Research
4-3市調結果 The Results 
4-4宣傳方式 Methods of Advertising
4-5廣告訴求 Advertising Appeal
4-6廣告時程 Timeframe
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Part 5  Client Relationships 客戶往來
5-1迎接客戶 Receiving Clients 
5-2請訪客稍待 Asking a Visitor to Wait
5-3介紹與推銷 Promoting the Products
5-4突顯競爭優勢 Boasting about a Company
5-5品質保證 Quality Assurance
5-6與客戶博感情 A Warm Reception
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Part 6  Business Trip and Trade Show出差與商展
6-1徵詢拜訪可能 Visiting Inquiries
6-2確認既定行程 Confirming an Appointment 
6-3機場櫃檯報到 Checking In at the Airport
6-4入境通關 Going through Immigration
6-5展場設攤 Setting Up a Booth
6-6介紹產品特色 Introducing Product Features 
6-7後續處理 Wrapping-Up
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Part 7  Price Negotiations 談判議價
7-1爭取合作機會 Winning Over New Clients
7-2談代理權 Agency Agreement
7-3條件協商 Distributor Negotiations
7-4討價還價 Bargaining
7-5訂貨下單 Placing an Order
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Part 8  Mapping out the Future 企業發展
8-1公司願景 Company Vision
8-2品牌信譽 Trusted Brand 
8-3拓展計畫 Expansion Plans
8-4企業併購 Merger Plans
8-5營收目標 Revenue Target
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解答 Answer Sheet
索引 Index
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