Our interest in aviation and flight is natural, as that’s really the only way islanders can leave home in this modern age. We have had that interest reinforced during our yearly trips from
Taiwan to the United States. In addition to all the flight attendants and ground staff we’ve come in contact with (especially those who let us cut ahead in line with our baby) we would like to
say thank you to some other people.
Mark: To my elementary school teachers, for teaching me to read–the best way to learn English. Also to my parents, for encouraging my education, even when I didn’t want them to. And, since
this is a conversation book, a big thank you to anyone who’s ever talked to me.
Mark Venekamp
本書以模擬航空工作員工間對話與工作技巧為出發點,讓即將進入該職場、已在此職場、或是因為喜愛連續劇而想了解這個職場的讀者閱讀。本書採用輕鬆、活潑、專業的風格呈現120 個實際職場英文對話,透過生活化的情境,加入專業的英文對話,讓讀者更加簡易了解航空工作的生態與技巧,使得工作能得心應手,邁開輕鬆、愉快的航空之旅。
特別感謝美麗編輯-Stella、台灣文青-Cheryl、優雅地勤-Sharon、專業空少-Steve 的大力協助,因為有你們,這本書才能順利完成!
Claire Chang