我們談到公共衛生,通常想到國內問題,諸如食安、流行病、菸害控制等。比較沒有被國人討論的是公共衛生的國際議題。由國際層面而言,公共衛生的探討角度不同;廣的來說,包括健康權(屬人權議題的範疇)及全球衛生正義(涉及弱勢國家健康資源缺乏問題)等;具體來說,包括如何對各項公衛議題制定國際規範,以及如何進行公衛的國際合作等。很難得,在國際上有一本全球衛生議題的巨作“Global Health
閱讀本書,很容易感受作者Lawrence O.
全球健康治理〔global health governance,Lawrence O. Gostin教授在本書中採用「健康的全球治理」(global governance for health,
GGH)作為不同取徑〕在國際交流與貿易日漸頻繁、世界組織結構之變遷與互動愈趨複雜之情形下,因人類健康影響因素變化,而面臨越來越多之困境與挑戰,包括衛生資源短缺、衛生議題設定偏差、缺乏領導力及問責性(accountability)、計畫成效評估不易等問題,導致健康危害(ill-health)與健康不平等(health inequality)等健康人權(human rights to
為有效處理此複雜且遠非單一國家可獨自處理的全球議題,近年來全球衛生法(Global Health Law)廣受國際社會與學界重視。而Gostin教授(美國喬治城大學O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health
Law創辦人暨中心主任、美國國家癌症諮詢委員會委員、世界衛生組織公共衛生法暨人權協調中心主任,並受世界衛生組織總幹事任命擔任多項重要職務)作為此新興國際法領域之重要倡議者(同時亦為公共衛生法之傑出學者),對於如何利用法律作為工具,重新建構全球健康治理之基本框架與規範,有精闢、深入且全面的見解;而其所主張之「全球衛生框架公約」(Framework Convention on
Global Health, FCGH),跳脫傳統聚焦於微觀健康議題之討論方式,改由宏觀角度理解全球健康治理發展之嘗試,更是重塑全球衛生法體系架構之重要理論。
health justice)實現之基礎問題。
The world faces deep and complex health hazards that urgently require innovative solutions. Infectious diseases have devastated the planet since time immemorial, from ancient diseases such as
smallpox, leprosy, and tuberculosis to more recent plagues such as HIV/AIDS, hemorrhagic fevers (e.g., Ebola) and mosquito-borne infections (e.g., malaria, dengue, and Zika). While modern
science and medicine have made great strides in preventing and treating infectious disease, the world is experiencing a menacing threat of antimicrobial resistant organisms that threaten to
unravel many of the scientific gains. At the same time, global climate change is exacerbating health risks of every kind.
Fast moving pathogens such as novel influenzas, SARS, and Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) pose major risks to global health security. The recent epidemics of Ebola in West Africa
and Zika in the Americas underscore the human, social, and economic hazards posed by novel infections in a highly globalized world. Asia, in particular, remains uniquely vulnerable to
infectious diseases stemming from highly concentrated populations and intense animal/human interchange. There is, for example, the ever-present threat of a large outbreak of novel avian or
human influenza.
In the last decades, many regions of the globe have experienced an epidemiologic transition to non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and
respiratory disease. There are common risk factors that have spread rapidly due to the forces of globalization, multinational corporations, and the harmonization of culture and lifestyles. Poor
diets and sedentary lifestyles have led to overweight and obesity, while tobacco use has posed unique risks to smokers. Many of these unhealthy lifestyle risks were once heavily concentrated in
higher-income Western countries. But like infectious diseases, these risk factors have spread throughout Asia, as well as in every corner of the earth. High fat/high calorie diets, sedentary
lifestyles, and tobacco use has rapidly expanded in middle-income countries such as Brazil, China, India, and South Africa.
Injuries also result in an enormous burden of disability and early death. Crushing injuries result from road crashes, as well as hazardous conditions at work and at home. Unsafe conditions
are especially evident in low- and middle-income countries, with megacities in Asia and the Indian sub-continent experiencing horrific rates of traffic fatalities. We often refer to injuries as
“accidents,” but in fact they are among the most preventable risks. There are highly effective public health strategies to ameliorate the risk of injuries from all causes.
We like to think that the answer to these complex health challenges lies in the realm of science and medicine. If only scientists could discover vaccines and cures, and if only there were
universal health coverage, meaning medical and nursing care. While healthcare services are vital for human wellbeing, there is so much more we can, and must, do to ensure a healthy and safe
population. Public health laws and “good governance” for health are vital ingredients.
When the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ranked the top 10 public health achievements of the 20th century, law had played a vital role in all of them, ranging from
vaccinations, tobacco control and safer foods to motor vehicle and workplace safety. Recently, I co-authored a World Health Organization Report entitled, Advancing the Right to Health: The
Vital Role of Law. That report documented innovative legislation and regulations from around the world that had significant impacts on the public’s health and safety. Innovative laws that
incentivize healthy lifestyles and regulate corporations to provide healthier products. And laws also can structure the built environment for the public good, such as safer cars and roads,
walking and bike paths, and parks and playgrounds.
Legal interventions often take place at the national level, but global governance for health is equally important. The world needs well-functioning international institutions such as the
World Health Organization and public/private partnerships such as the GAVI Alliance and the Global Fund. We saw the result of poor governance during the Ebola epidemic where WHO and other
multilateral organizations proved ineffective in partnering with vulnerable West African states to bring an outbreak under control. International normative instruments can create standards for
countries, such as the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and the International Health Regulations. Global institutions beyond health also have major impacts on health outcomes, such as
the World Trade Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization, and United Nations agencies such as the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.
Higher-income countries also have a duty to provide technical and financial assistance to build healthier and safer populations everywhere. The United States, for example, launched the
President’s Emergency Program on AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), which transformed the fight against HIV/AIDS in Africa. Today, more than 10 million people in Africa are being treated with
anti-retroviral medication. China, recently announced its Belt and Road initiative—a USD$1 trillion investment in infrastructure, building a modern-day Silk Road. This could become a
transformative moment in international development assistance.
Robust defense of human rights and freedoms – at the national and international level – is essential. Human rights include social and economic rights such as the rights to health, life, and a
clean environment. But human rights also include civil and political rights: freedom of expression, strong civil society, transparency, and accountability. Thus, “good governance for global
health” requires systems that guarantee human rights and freedoms, and which hold public actors to account.
My book, Global Health Law, aims to describe in careful detail the systems of law, regulation, and governance that can create healthier and safer societies. I offer of a vision of “global
health with justice,” believing that we need to fight for healthy and safe populations, while paying particular attention to the most vulnerable people—for example, the poor, girls and women,
religious/ethnic/and sexual minorities, and persons with mental or physical disabilities. Justice is the animating feature of law, requiring a fair distribution of the benefits of good health
to every human being in all corners of the globe. Focusing not just on health care, but also on public health and the socio-economic determinants of health, I argue that law, good governance,
and human rights can transform the world.
I dedicate this Traditional Chinese translation of my book to all the passionate advocates for health and justice, and to the scholars that illuminate our understanding of innovative
solutions. I would like to particularly thank a number of my colleagues who were instrumental in publishing this traditional Chinese edition of my Global Health Law book. Professor Hsiu-I Yang
(National Yang-Ming University), a highly distinguished scholar, worked to secure an agreement with Angle Publishing. She also kindly served as the reviewer for this translation of my book. I
am particularly indebted to Han-Hsi Indy Liu, who did such a superb job in translating my book. Indy is my wonderful SJD student at Georgetown University Law Center, who will make a great
impact on the world in the course of his career. Finally, I want to graciously thank Justice Chang-fa Lo and Dr. Chuan-Feng Wu for writing the Foreword to my book. It is a great honor to have
such two preeminent thinkers write this Foreword. I am deeply privileged to have the friendship of all these global health leaders.
Lawrence O. Gostin
October 2017
the Right to Health: The Vital Role of Law)的世界衛生組織報告書。該報告書列出全球各地許多對於公眾健康與安全有重要影響的創新法律與規範。創新的法律為健康生活形態提供誘因並且規範企業生產更健康的產品。法律同時也可以建構一個能為大眾提供福祉的建成環境,例如更安全的車輛與道路、散步小徑與自行車道、公園與戶外遊戲區。
法律干預措施通常施行在國家層級上,但健康的全球治理(global governance for health)卻是一樣重要。這個世界需要如世界衛生組織(WHO)一樣功能良好的國際機構,也需要如全球疫苗免疫聯盟(GAVI Alliance)以及全球基金(Global Fund)這樣的公-私夥伴關係(public/private
partnerships)。非洲西部的伊波拉病毒疫情爆發,讓我們見識到了糟糕治理的後果,當時世界衛生組織與其他國際組織在與脆弱的西非國家合作來控制疫情一事上,可說是效率不彰。例如菸草控制框架公約(the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control)與國際衛生條例(the International Health
Regulations)這樣的國際規範工具,為各國創造了一個遵行的標準。而衛生部門以外的全球機構,例如世界貿易組織(WTO)、糧農組織(FAO)與聯合國難民署(the UN High Commissioner for Refugees)等聯合國旗下機構,都能對於健康結果帶來重要的影響。
在國家與國際層級上,對人權與自由提供有力的辯護是相當關鍵的。人權包含健康、生命與乾淨環境權利等社會及經濟權利。但人權也同樣包括表達自由、有力的公民社會、透明與問責等公民及政治權利。因此「全球健康的良好治理」(good governance for global health)需要的,是一個能夠確保人權與自由,並使政府單位負起責任的體系。
我的這本《全球衛生法》,旨在仔細地描繪一個能創造更健康、更安全社會的法律、規範、治理體系。我提供一個「具備正義的全球衛生」(global health with
Lawrence O. Gostin
公共衛生所追求的人群健康(population health)乃是朝著「人應生而健康,否則有權健康」這樣一個普世信念而來。「健康」在所有的社會逸品(social