輝煌的啟示:哥德盛期至文藝復興盛期的基督宗教手稿 (一二五零年至一五四零年) (中英對照)

輝煌的啟示:哥德盛期至文藝復興盛期的基督宗教手稿 (一二五零年至一五四零年) (中英對照)
NT $ 704 ~ 840



  Illustrious Illuminations presents a selection of illuminated Christian Manuscripts from the McCarthy Collection. Ranging in date from the High Gothic to the High Renaissance (1250–1540), the miniature paintings give evidence of the talent and culture connected to the art of book illustration. Many of the vibrant hand-copied volumes contain some of the finest illustrations ever produced across Europe, well before Johannes Gutenberg introduced the printing press around 1454. These particular illustrations were chosen from Bibles, books of hours and psalters in order to exemplify a shift in style, from Gothic to Renaissance lines, which likewise was apparent in the architecture and paintings produced under the auspices of the Church. The often harder, more contrasting, lines of the Gothic give way to the Renaissance’s altogether natural contours, as well as to softer and increasingly personal facial features.


Foreword 前言   6
A Passion For Medieval Art: The Genesis of The Mccarthy Collection
一生所愛──中世紀藝術:麥卡錫蒐藏之創世紀   8
Illustrated Bibles, Psalters and Books of Hours: A Medieval Art Form Perfected in the Renaissance
插圖裝飾的《聖經》、《聖詠經》和《時禱書》:文藝復興時期爐火純青的中世紀藝術形式   12
Illustrious Illminations: Christian Manuscripts
輝煌的啟示:基督宗教手稿   21
參考書目   102
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