Multiuser Detection provides the first comprehensive treatment of the subject of multiuser digital communications. Multiuser detection deals with demodulation of the mutually interfering
digital streams of information that occur in areas such as wireless communications, high-speed data transmission, satellite communication, digital television, and magnetic recording. The
development of multiuser detection techniques is one of the most important recent advances in communications technology, and this self-contained book gives a comprehensive coverage of the
design and analysis of receivers for multiaccess channels, while focusing on fundamental models and algorithms. The author begins with a review of multiaccess communications, dealing in
particular with code division multiple access (CDMA) channels. Background material on hypothesis testing and the effect of multiuser interference on single-user receivers are discussed next.
This is followed by the design and analysis of optimum and linear multiuser detectors. Also covered in detail are topics such as decision-driven multiuser detection and noncoherent multiuser
detection. The elements of multiuser detection are clearly and systematically presented along with more advanced recent results, some of which are published here for the first time. The
extensive set of references and bibliographical notes offer a comprehensive account of the state of the art in the subject. The only prerequisites assumed are undergraduate-level probability,
linear algebra, and introductory digital communications. The book contains over 300 exercises and is a suitable textbook for practicing engineers, as well as a valuable reference volume for
researchers in communications and signal processing.