首都的繁榮與殘敗一向與人民福祉、國家發展緊繫相關,曾對抗政府不當都市開發計畫,並積極主張鄰里多樣性的美國都市計畫界的傳奇人物—珍‧雅各(Jane Jacobs)說:「城市在人類社會中繁榮發展,而有創造力和運作良好的城市總是位居核心地位;衰敗的城市,沒落的經濟和持續增加的社會問題,總是結合在一起。這並非偶然。」
「請用政見說服我。」也是這次選戰中普遍出現的聲音,一家地方獨立書店在店面口貼上一張「敬 拜票的候選人」的公告,上面詳列幾點選民的「不需要」,其中寫到「年輕人是關心政治的,但請拿出參政的專業與認真,與選民討論公眾事務、拿出實質政見,現代人會自己找資料找真相,口號與照片是沒用的,新世代的選舉需要真正會做事的人。」
The Battle for the Capital: Fighting for a Better Taipei
The success or downfall of capital cities has always been linked to the people’s well-being and the country’s development. Jane Jacobs, a legendary figure in the American urban planning community who fought against improper government urban development while actively advocated for thediversity of neighborhoods has said "The crowning glory of human society are the creative, well-functioning cities, which are always at the core of a civilizations development. Decaying cities, declining economies and ever-increasing social problems are also always intertwined. These are no accidents. "
Perhaps the citizens of Taipei should be proud. Recently, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) selected the world’s most livable cities based on safety, health care, food quality, educational resources, roads and transportation quality. Recently released by the BBC the findings put Taipei among the top five cities which have continued to climb the ranks over the past 10 years. The reason for this recognition from the foreign press was the government’s continued investment in infrastructure, (such as the MRT system), medical insurance and educational resources.
Since Taipei changed its title to the municipality of the central government in 1994, there has been a war between the Blue and Green Parties over this municipal turf. After 20 years of entanglement, the spirit of political independence was given life in 2014. Ke Wenzhe took the opportunity of a "citizen awakening" amid the “Hong Zhongqiu Incident” and the “anti-ECFA” sentiment at the time. He won the mayoral election without ties to either of the two major political parties. With strong support from the Democratic People Party, he became the third non-party Taipei mayor in history. Since then, the citizens’ desire to get involved in political and public issues has garnered a kinetic energy that can no longer be ignored by the political establishment.
The significance of the election of the mayor of Taipei to the public is no longer relegated to negative pessimism, as if having to choose from "the best of a bad lot." Of course, there is no lack of political shenanigans and sensationalism, but citizens have long grown tired of the Blue-Green war of old. Disposing of rigid political ideology, the capital’s citizens now face the election with a relatively
positive frame of mind. As if waking from a long slumber, the public consciousness is eager to understand and get involved in politics. There is an understanding that if Taiwan does not become better, it will in fact decline and that responsibility of such will fall at the feet of the people. As Plato said, "One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors."
Political commentator Zhou Weihang believes that Ke Wenzhe’s tactical investments at the beginning of the election have also opened up a new path of political thinking in Taiwan, begging the question, is it possible to heavily rely on technology and data to win an election? With the overwhelming force of this campaign’s "Net Army,” along with traditional campaign tactics of hitting the streets, and setting up billboards, the candidates have also invested their energy and resources in so called "air battles." The power of the Internet today has forced candidates to actively learn how to “trend online," so as not be ignored by younger voters. The consequence of remaining static will be being forced to stand in the shadow while their competition gets internet-hot.
"Please use policy to convince me," has been a common cry this election. A local independent bookstore posted notices on its storefront titled "For Canvassing Politicians.” Listed under “Unwanted” attributes, one statement read: "
Slogans and photos alone are useless. Young people are concerned about politics, so be professional and serious. Discuss public affairs with voters and come up with substantive political views. Modern voters will find information on their own. We need politicians who can get things done."
Democratic elections are an excellent opportunity to enhance Taiwan’s collective political consciousness and wisdom. Even if the final result fails to meet everyone’s expectations, it is still the driving force for effectively moving our society forward. Everyone’s vision of what "a better Taipei" will be is an equally important element in what Taipei becomes.
首都的繁榮與殘敗一向與人民福祉、國家發展緊繫相關,曾對抗政府不當都市開發計畫,並積極主張鄰里多樣性的美國都市計畫界的傳奇人物—珍‧雅各(Jane Jacobs)說:「城市在人類社會中繁榮發展,而有創造力和運作良好的城市總是位居核心地位;衰敗的城市,沒落的經濟和持續增加的社會問題,總是結合在一起。這並非偶然。」
「請用政見說服我。」也是這次選戰中普遍出現的聲音,一家地方獨立書店在店面口貼上一張「敬 拜票的候選人」的公告,上面詳列幾點選民的「不需要」,其中寫到「年輕人是關心政治的,但請拿出參政的專業與認真,與選民討論公眾事務、拿出實質政見,現代人會自己找資料找真相,口號與照片是沒用的,新世代的選舉需要真正會做事的人。」
The Battle for the Capital: Fighting for a Better Taipei
The success or downfall of capital cities has always been linked to the people’s well-being and the country’s development. Jane Jacobs, a legendary figure in the American urban planning community who fought against improper government urban development while actively advocated for thediversity of neighborhoods has said "The crowning glory of human society are the creative, well-functioning cities, which are always at the core of a civilizations development. Decaying cities, declining economies and ever-increasing social problems are also always intertwined. These are no accidents. "
Perhaps the citizens of Taipei should be proud. Recently, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) selected the world’s most livable cities based on safety, health care, food quality, educational resources, roads and transportation quality. Recently released by the BBC the findings put Taipei among the top five cities which have continued to climb the ranks over the past 10 years. The reason for this recognition from the foreign press was the government’s continued investment in infrastructure, (such as the MRT system), medical insurance and educational resources.
Since Taipei changed its title to the municipality of the central government in 1994, there has been a war between the Blue and Green Parties over this municipal turf. After 20 years of entanglement, the spirit of political independence was given life in 2014. Ke Wenzhe took the opportunity of a "citizen awakening" amid the “Hong Zhongqiu Incident” and the “anti-ECFA” sentiment at the time. He won the mayoral election without ties to either of the two major political parties. With strong support from the Democratic People Party, he became the third non-party Taipei mayor in history. Since then, the citizens’ desire to get involved in political and public issues has garnered a kinetic energy that can no longer be ignored by the political establishment.
The significance of the election of the mayor of Taipei to the public is no longer relegated to negative pessimism, as if having to choose from "the best of a bad lot." Of course, there is no lack of political shenanigans and sensationalism, but citizens have long grown tired of the Blue-Green war of old. Disposing of rigid political ideology, the capital’s citizens now face the election with a relatively
positive frame of mind. As if waking from a long slumber, the public consciousness is eager to understand and get involved in politics. There is an understanding that if Taiwan does not become better, it will in fact decline and that responsibility of such will fall at the feet of the people. As Plato said, "One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors."
Political commentator Zhou Weihang believes that Ke Wenzhe’s tactical investments at the beginning of the election have also opened up a new path of political thinking in Taiwan, begging the question, is it possible to heavily rely on technology and data to win an election? With the overwhelming force of this campaign’s "Net Army,” along with traditional campaign tactics of hitting the streets, and setting up billboards, the candidates have also invested their energy and resources in so called "air battles." The power of the Internet today has forced candidates to actively learn how to “trend online," so as not be ignored by younger voters. The consequence of remaining static will be being forced to stand in the shadow while their competition gets internet-hot.
"Please use policy to convince me," has been a common cry this election. A local independent bookstore posted notices on its storefront titled "For Canvassing Politicians.” Listed under “Unwanted” attributes, one statement read: "
Slogans and photos alone are useless. Young people are concerned about politics, so be professional and serious. Discuss public affairs with voters and come up with substantive political views. Modern voters will find information on their own. We need politicians who can get things done."
Democratic elections are an excellent opportunity to enhance Taiwan’s collective political consciousness and wisdom. Even if the final result fails to meet everyone’s expectations, it is still the driving force for effectively moving our society forward. Everyone’s vision of what "a better Taipei" will be is an equally important element in what Taipei becomes.
08 首都之戰:迎接一個更好的台北
The Battle for the Capital: Fighting for a Better Taipei
14 把拔馬麻的養育心事
Raising Children in Taiwan: The Heart of the Issue
16 安身立命之夢
Happily Settling in Taipei: Can It be Affordable?
18 老年的理想生活
Ideal Care for the Elderly: Maintaining the Silver Generation
20 美食王國的食安噩夢
A Safety Nightmare in Food Heaven
22 文化干台北甚麼事?!
Culture in Taipei
26 選舉不到最後一天,都有可能會翻盤
專訪媒體人 溫紳
28 選舉永遠是讓人驚奇的
專訪媒體人 周玉蔻
30 翻轉選舉直取民心
專訪作家 周偉航
32 當整座城市都在發電
專訪綠盟研究員 吳澄澄
38 「學好英語,從品味回甘開始!」 專訪FUNDAY文法教室召集人
40 紅燈是為了下一個綠燈
Red Lights and Green Lights
Learning Not to Let Ourselves Down
46 IPCC預言只剩12 年 預防氣候變遷大災難倒數
IPCC: Only 12 Years to Prevent Climate Change Catastrophe
48向德國取經 打造核四成主題公園?
Experts Want to Give a Nuclear Plant a New Lease on Life … By Turning it into a Theme Park
50要求第2次脫歐公投 汪星人走上倫敦街頭
Dogs and Owners Attend “Wooferendum March” in Protest Against Brexit
52失落的日本 就業冰河期到來
“Lost Generation” in Japan
54科技巨頭與世界銀行合作 飢荒行動機制
Tech Giants Partner Up with World Bank to Stop Famine
56老片重拍 一個巨星的誕生
A Star is Born: Is Hollywood’s Latest Remake Really on the Rise
58個資外洩 Uber支付1.48億美元和解金
Uber Pays US$148 Million over Data Hack
Taiwan Hacker Buys 502 iPhones for NT$1
Billions of Adults Not Getting Enough Exercise, WHO Says
64晨起一杯水 睡前一杯水
Drinking a Glass of Water Before and After Sleep Is Good For Your Health
08 首都之戰:迎接一個更好的台北
The Battle for the Capital: Fighting for a Better Taipei
14 把拔馬麻的養育心事
Raising Children in Taiwan: The Heart of the Issue
16 安身立命之夢
Happily Settling in Taipei: Can It be Affordable?
18 老年的理想生活
Ideal Care for the Elderly: Maintaining the Silver Generation
20 美食王國的食安噩夢
A Safety Nightmare in Food Heaven
22 文化干台北甚麼事?!
Culture in Taipei
26 選舉不到最後一天,都有可能會翻盤
專訪媒體人 溫紳
28 選舉永遠是讓人驚奇的
專訪媒體人 周玉蔻
30 翻轉選舉直取民心
專訪作家 周偉航
32 當整座城市都在發電
專訪綠盟研究員 吳澄澄
38 「學好英語,從品味回甘開始!」 專訪FUNDAY文法教室召集人
40 紅燈是為了下一個綠燈
Red Lights and Green Lights
Learning Not to Let Ourselves Down
46 IPCC預言只剩12 年 預防氣候變遷大災難倒數
IPCC: Only 12 Years to Prevent Climate Change Catastrophe
48向德國取經 打造核四成主題公園?
Experts Want to Give a Nuclear Plant a New Lease on Life … By Turning it into a Theme Park
50要求第2次脫歐公投 汪星人走上倫敦街頭
Dogs and Owners Attend “Wooferendum March” in Protest Against Brexit
52失落的日本 就業冰河期到來
“Lost Generation” in Japan
54科技巨頭與世界銀行合作 飢荒行動機制
Tech Giants Partner Up with World Bank to Stop Famine
56老片重拍 一個巨星的誕生
A Star is Born: Is Hollywood’s Latest Remake Really on the Rise
58個資外洩 Uber支付1.48億美元和解金
Uber Pays US$148 Million over Data Hack
Taiwan Hacker Buys 502 iPhones for NT$1
Billions of Adults Not Getting Enough Exercise, WHO Says
64晨起一杯水 睡前一杯水
Drinking a Glass of Water Before and After Sleep Is Good For Your Health