Retro or radical?
Our cover this week argues that Joe Biden’s instinctive caution could be what makes real change possible for America. Our election model gives Donald Trump roughly a 10% chance of winning a second term. Mr Biden is up in the polls by an average of nine points. He is doing well in battleground states like Florida, Michigan and Wisconsin. The virus has demonstrated something to a large number of persuadable voters: that Mr Trump is just not that good at being president. There is a long time until November. Even so, Mr Trump’s difficulties have made a Democratic Senate majority possible. Before covid-19 and widespread social unrest, Mr Biden’s candidacy was about restoration: the idea that he could return America and the world to the prelapsarian days of 2016. Instead he now faces a paradox, which he must not misread. By cleaving to the centre he might win big enough to get something done.
Our cover this week argues that Joe Biden’s instinctive caution could be what makes real change possible for America. Our election model gives Donald Trump roughly a 10% chance of winning a second term. Mr Biden is up in the polls by an average of nine points. He is doing well in battleground states like Florida, Michigan and Wisconsin. The virus has demonstrated something to a large number of persuadable voters: that Mr Trump is just not that good at being president. There is a long time until November. Even so, Mr Trump’s difficulties have made a Democratic Senate majority possible. Before covid-19 and widespread social unrest, Mr Biden’s candidacy was about restoration: the idea that he could return America and the world to the prelapsarian days of 2016. Instead he now faces a paradox, which he must not misread. By cleaving to the centre he might win big enough to get something done.
THE ECONOMIST 《經濟學人》雜誌是全球最有公信力的一本週刊,已享譽國際百餘年。經濟學人編輯風格與眾不同,每則報導皆由編輯負責群一同精心討論出來,因此每篇文章採納 各方意見,立場絕對中立,而非以個人觀點報導。這也是為什麼經濟學人的每一篇文章皆不具名。
英國《經濟學人》雜誌的寫作風格十分有特色,注重於如何在最小的篇幅內告訴讀者最多的信息。《經濟學人》的文章也以妙語聞名,是學英文 、準備留學學子的一流讀物。