THE ECONOMIST 經濟學人雜誌 2020/06/27 第26期

THE ECONOMIST 經濟學人雜誌 2020/06/27  第26期
NT $ 275


The next catastrophe (and how to survive it)

Our cover this week looks at global catastrophes and how to survive them. Covid-19 offers a tragic example. Virologists, epidemiologists and ecologists have warned for decades of the dangers of a flu-like disease spilling over from wild animals. But when SARS-CoV-2 began to spread, very few countries had the winning combination of practical plans, the kit those plans required and the bureaucratic capacity to enact them. Low-probability, high-impact events, such as volcanic eruptions, massive solar flares and, yes, more pandemics are a fact of life. Individual humans look to governments for protection and, if they can afford it, to insurers. Humanity, at least as represented by the world’s governments, reveals instead a preference to ignore the risk until forced to react—even when foresight’s price-tag is small. It is an abdication of responsibility and a betrayal of the future.


THE ECONOMIST 《經濟學人》雜誌是全球最有公信力的一本週刊,已享譽國際百餘年。經濟學人編輯風格與眾不同,每則報導皆由編輯負責群一同精心討論出來,因此每篇文章採納 各方意見,立場絕對中立,而非以個人觀點報導。這也是為什麼經濟學人的每一篇文章皆不具名。


英國《經濟學人》雜誌的寫作風格十分有特色,注重於如何在最小的篇幅內告訴讀者最多的信息。《經濟學人》的文章也以妙語聞名,是學英文 、準備留學學子的一流讀物。

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