Magazine F 第1期 salt

Magazine F 第1期 salt
NT $ 650
  • 出版社:瑪蒂雅
  • 出版日期:2019-03-13
  • 語言:英文


Salt is an essential ingredient, a compound of sodium and chlorine, that has enabled people to go on and has had a wide impact on society, culture, economy, and of course, people’s lifestyle. The first city ever built by Homo sapiens was located close to the Dead Sea where high-saline water yielded salt easily. In the ancient times, people waged war against each other scrambling for salt. It also contributed to the development of traditional foods around the world, such as jamón, tsukemono, and kimchi, used as the catalyst to preserve them for a long time. For thousands of years, salt has played a critical role in all kitchens around the world to enhance the favor, and it now stands as a symbol in itself on people’s table.


《Magazine F》是由韓國著名的精品誌《Magazine B》原班人馬所催生的一本新刊。這本刊物的發行目的和主題,都是圍繞在食物(Food)之中,我們每天攝取的營養當中,從食材一直到端上桌面之前,整個生產到料理所衍生出的各種面相與議題,就是這本刊物要分析探討的範圍。通過各個領域,包括農漁畜牧、營養學、醫學、食品工業、主廚以及人類學與經濟學的觀點,集合學有專精的研究人員一起合作,針對這些議題回答讀者各種關於FOOD的疑惑。
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