The inventor of the School Library Writing Center makes it easy for librarians and teachers of kindergarten through sixth grade learners to provide highly effective writing instruction.
• Presents practical, actionable guidance for creating and maintaining a School Library Writing Center in a school library setting• Provides a clear explication of Common Core Writing Standards
as they pertain to kindergarten through grade six• Explains how the writing center is more than a physical location and is the site of a process that encourages successful collaboration between
the school librarian and the classroom teacher• Underscores how the creation of a School Library Writing Center serves to highlight the educational strengths of the school librarian and the
pedagogical necessity of the school library• Includes original reproducible worksheets with each chapter to save readers time and effort in designing their own• Describes the writer’s workshop
and tutoring techniques, technological resources and activities that improve student writing, and the creation of a writing portfolio at the end of each grade