This special re-print edition of US Department of Agriculture’s book “Descriptions of Types of Principal American Varieties of Tomatoes s” contains a large amount of information on some tomato
varieties that were once widely grown in the United States for commercial purposes. Today, the varieties covered are classified as heirloom tomatoes.Written in 1933, included are details on the
characteristics, advantages, uses and cultivation of several heirloom tomato varieties including the Globe, Bonny Best, Marglobe, Gulf State Market, Santa Clara Canner, Earliana, Stone and
others. Today, these varieties are considered some of the best red varieties of heirloom tomatoes for the home garden or for farmer’s markets. This short booklet is lavishly illustrated with
rare photographs depicting the various features of these old tomato varieties.Note: This edition is a perfect facsimile of the original edition and is not set in a modern typeface. As a result,
some type characters and images might suffer from slight imperfections or minor shadows in the page background.