Twin Peaks: Unwrapping the Plastic
$1,350 -
Sonsbeek (1971, 1986): A New Standard for Outdoor Exhibitions
$1,575 -
Jump-Cut: How to Jump-Start Your Career as a Film Editor
$6,750 -
International Horror Film Directors: Global Fear
$1,913 -
Aleksandr Sokurov: Russian Ark
$1,283 -
$1,620 -
Cinema: Made in the Middle East
$1,750 -
Complete Film Criticism: Reviews, Essays, and Manuscripts
$4,455 -
Sound Design for Low and No Budget Films
$1,888 -
Cinema’s Baroque Flesh: Film, Phenomenology and the Art of Entanglement
$4,950 -
Silent Features: The Development of Silent Feature Films 1914-1934
$1,890 -
The Lost Jungle: Cliffhanger Action and Hollywood Serials of the 1930s and 1940s
$4,500 -
Film and Video Production in the Cloud: Concepts, Workflows, and Best Practices
$6,750 -
Seeing the Story: Storyboarding Techniques for Filmmakers and Media Artists
$2,203 -
Shots in the Dark: Collected Film Criticism
$698 -
Independent Filmmaking and Digital Convergence: Transmedia and Beyond
$6,750 -
Eisenstein on Paper: Graphic Works by the Master of Film
$3,325 -
The Moses Complex: Freud, Schoenberg, Straub/Huillet
$2,023 -
Jump Cut: How to Jumpstart Your Career As a Film Editor
$1,663 -
The Extraordinary Image: Orson Welles, Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick, and the Reimagining of Cinema