Hollywood Hellraisers: The Wild Lives and Fast Times of Marlon Brando, Dennis Hopper, Warren Beatty, and Jack Nicholson
$595 -
Joss Whedon FAQ: All That’s Left to Know About the Mind Behind Buffy, Firefly, and the Avengers
$875 -
The Encyclopedia of B Westerns
$3,825 -
Studying British Cinema: The 1980s
$3,825 -
Naked Under a Waterfall: The Craft of Production Sound Mixing for Film
$1,188 -
Melodrama, Trauma, Mind-games: Affect and Memory in Contemporary American Cinema
$1,753 -
Kirk and Anne: Letters of Love, Laughter, and a Lifetime in Hollywood
$1,225 -
The Audacious Josephine Baker: Blackness, Power and Visual Pleasure
$1,925 -
Hooray for Hollywood!: A Cultural Encyclopedia of America’s Dream Factory
$8,505 -
The Bible on Silent Film: Spectacle, Story and Scripture in the Early Cinema
$1,575 -
Melodrama, Trauma, Mind-games: Affect and Memory in Contemporary American Cinema
$5,625 -
Universal Terrors, 1951–1955: Eight Classic Horror and Science Fiction Films
$2,248 -
Ethics, Justice, Embodiment, and Global Film: Cinematic Provocations
$6,750 -
Flash Architecture and Integration
$2,100 -
Nollywood: The Making of a Film Empire
$525 -
Shifting Layers: New Perspectives in Media Archaeology Across Digital Media and Audiovisual Arts
$855 -
Studying Italian Cinema
$4,050 -
The Cinema of Catherine Breillat
$5,040 -
Biology Run Amok!: The Life Science Lessons of Science Fiction Cinema
$1,798 -
Watch It!: Movie Posters As Marketing Tools and Genre Indicators