You think of the Brighton Rock film where Helen Mirren still manages to look like Queen Elizabeth, especially when she wears a headscarf. You think of the poem you wrote about leaving a house,
and how houses we have owned will come back to us in dreams. You think about taking your computer into the next room. You think maybe you ought to try to sleep. You think you should just think
about your breathing. You do this for several breaths until the thought horses ride over and look at you and you turn to them with their big protruding eyes and you forget about the movement of
your breath. ?Thought Horses Rachel Bush’s distinctive, haunting poems acknowledge the consolations and undoings of thought. In Thought Horses we encounter a speaker who ? as she is stepping
outside, or googling an old friend, or lying awake too early ? is sometimes lifted up, and sometimes overtaken by thought. A beautifully wrought new collection by the author of The Hungry Woman
(1997), The Unfortunate Singer (2002), and Nice Pretty Things (2011). It’s nice to know that I can still stumble across New Zealand writers who I’ve never read and fall in love with their
writing. ? Sarah-Jane Barnett