Sa’di in Love: The Lyrical Verses of Persia’s Master Poet
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On Empson
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Persian Poetry in the Classical Era, 800-1500
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Ted Hughes: The Unauthorised Life
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A Million MFAs Are Not Enough
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The Limits of Fabrication: Materials Science, Materialist Poetics
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The Botanic Garden by Erasmus Darwin
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Understanding Sharon Olds
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The Oxford Handbook of British Poetry, 1660-1800
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Zoopoetics: Animals and the Making of Poetry
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Remaking Shakespeare: Performance Across Media, Genres and Cultures
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Virgil: The Aeneid
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Indian Poetics (Kavya Sastra) and Narratology Towards the Appreciation of Biblical Narrative
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The Whole Harmonium: The Life of Wallace Stevens
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The Metaphysics of Sound in Wallace Stevens
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The Other Orpheus: A Poetics of Modern Homosexuality
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Persian Poetry in the Classical Era, 800-1500: A History of Persian Literature
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Poetry Criticism: Criticism of the Works of the Most Significant and Widely Studied Poets of World Literature
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Compendium: A Collection of Thoughts on Prosody
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Hayim Nahman Bialik: Poet of Hebrew