If you are frustrated by the "little things" in life, it can literally ruin your day. You KNOW there’s a better way of doing things, so I’ve complied the best of them right here for you!
Here’s over 200 insider secrets that will help you do things right and hack your life!
Life hacking is the concept of engaging in small changes to your everyday life to make it run better and smooth. This is not a new concept, but with the advent of the internet and mass
communication, these tips and tricks are easier than ever to learn, and here’s over 200 great tips to get you started. Whether its travel hacking, hack your brain, memory improvement, or simply
increasing your productivity, learn to hack your life like a pro with this book! In this book you’ll learn: 1. Tricks to optimize your home and office for maximum efficiency 2. Why nail
polish is helpful in the office (hint: you don’t use it on your nails!) 3. How productivity advice from your boss and coworkers is holding you back at work 4. The best way to getaccurate
directions if you’re lost 5. Which security line at the airport is ALWAYS shortest and why 6. And MUCH more!Need another reason to buy my book? Here’s a great one: I donate 5% of the
proceeds from my book sales to Reading Is Fundamental, the largest and most respected Children’s Literacy non-profit in America
Get the insider tips you need to make your life smoother and more manageable. Download my book today!