In a world where success is increasingly more fleeting, organizations and persons who aspire to succeed need to incorporate innovation as part of their lifestyle. Nevertheless, how can you
promote innovative behavior? ‘Ingenuity and Passion’ provides an effective methodology and is an indispensable tool for entrepreneurs, managers and teams needing to invent and reinvent
themselves to find the momentum to transform within its own driving force. This provides the diagnostic tools and guidelines for implementation and the lessons learned by hundreds of companies
and professionals that have succeeded or failed in this attempt. Thanks to them, this shows how to effectively manage three essential dimensions: people, organization and motivation,
considering the genre differences at all times. This effective methodology, which has been echoed by international publications such as Forbes, allows you to deal with innovation in a way that
is both rigorous and practical, making companies and professionals grow in spite of the turbulence; building conditions that guarantee, beyond survival, a good dose of success. Innovation.