POSITION YOUR PRACTICE TO SUCCEEDTo be the best law practice in the business, you have to make clientsbelieve you’re the most trusted problem solver, helper, and legal advisorin town.Longtime
attorney Ken Hardison has built two successful firms and nowhe’s sharing the shortcuts to build your own preeminent personal injurypractice that clients will trust and your competition will
envy.Under Promise and Over Deliver shows you the simple steps to:• Change seven everyday attitudes to grow a more loyal client base• Do what 90% of other lawyers aren’t doing to get loyal
customers• Create the right infrastructure to quadruple your case size• Hire the right staff and partners• Execute successful marketing strategies before, during, and afterrepresentation•
Prioritize your finances to double your revenues in 24 monthsTake the simple steps to become the preeminent practice in yourmarket and loyal customers will flock to you, bringing golden
referralswith them.Ken Hardison shows his genius again with “Under Promise, Over Deliver.” His chapteron “Tactics to Give an Unbelievable Client Experience” is not to be missed. With hisfolksy,
down-to-earth style, he off ers easily-readable, bulleted lists of tips. Many pagesoff er “Preeminent Resources” for marketing, management and technology. Keep thisbook handy, because you’ll
want to read it again and again.- Larry Bodine, Editor and Publisher