Achieve optimal health with simply and deliciously prepared food. A great meal does not have to be complex. Suzanne Sweeney has hit the target for those who don’t have much time to spend in the
kitchen preparing food, as well as embraced the creative nature of those who do. With many of the recipes only requiring thirty minutes or less and each recipe labeled to address a variety of
food intolerances, this book is the ultimate tool to gain control of your health. The perfect diet is not one-size-fits-all, but rather, it should yield to your body, mind, and spirit—and only
you know best. In this book, you will learn how to: • Test for food intolerance at home and create suitable recipes • Cook by intuition according to your body’s physiology and needs • Eat
gluten-free naturally, using whole food Don’t let cooking be daunting. Know that by implementing the ideas and recipes presented in this book, you will be cooking healthy and delicious meals
for yourself and your family in no time.