平面設計 經典重現
在《設計是什麼?: 保羅.蘭德給年輕人的第一堂啟蒙課》之中,我們透過設計大師的講座,聆聽設計者的思考與經驗談
在複刻的Paul Rand: A Designer's Art中,將保羅‧蘭德重要設計圖與設計理論完美重現。
本書為保羅絕版已久之專書的全新複刻,精細的重現原畫圖形與質地。包含超過200幅圖畫與27篇論文,與Steven Heller寫的新編後記。任何對當代設計有興趣的人都不能錯過此書。(文/博客來編譯)
If Paul Rand was the most influential American graphic designer of the twentieth century, then Paul Rand: A Designer's Art is the most important on his work. A comprehensive collection of his
most important and best-known designs, A Designer's Art gives unique insight into Rand's design process and theory. This new edition of Rand's classic monograph, long unavailable, meticulously
re-creates the graphic quality of the original. It includes more than two hundred illustrations and twenty-seven essays, and a new afterword by Steven Heller. This book is required reading for
anybody interested in modern design.