Children are very much at risk of developing post traumatic stress disorder from a number of sources such as child abuse of a sexual, physical, mental health nature, wars, chronic illness,
violence, death of a loved one, witnessing a very traumatic event, to name a few, and if left untreated and inadequately managed, the likelihood of these children growing to adulthood as
traumatized dysfunctional adults is enormous. Too many children in our world today suffer from childhood trauma and have discovered that the world can be a dangerous place where their security
and safety are under threat. They are traumatized by overwhelming events which have exceeded their capacity to cope and are at high risk of developing PTSD. Unfortunately, we may not be able to
change human nature, but once we understand the unnecessary price paid by millions of innocent children, we may be better able to treat their wounds. I wrote this book in remembrance of the
children who suffer from PTSD and who have lost their lives to PTSD. PTSD is a disorder that effects mood, destroys mental health and leads to horrific behavior changes. It is a type of mental
illness that has multiple symptoms just as it is caused by a number of stressors. Looking at child psychology and receiving counselling to deal with a myriad of symptoms such as anxiety,
delayed stress, flashbacks, nightmares, depression etc and each of these symptoms causes trauma not just to the sufferer but to their loved ones too. Getting help for PTSD involves not just the
sufferer but the entire family who will work together to facilitate a recovery and to support the PTSD sufferer. PTSD is complex and so different symptoms may become prevalent at different
times and in reponse to different stimuli. Topics: mood disorders in children, emotions, mood disorders, mental health, behaviour, counselling and psychology, post traumatic stress disorder,
PTSD, traumatic stress disorder, ptsd recovery, mental illness, trauma, stress, anxiety, depression, help PTSD, self help, counseling and psychology, complex ptsd, overcoming traumatic stress
symptoms, mental health, post traumatic, delayed stress, flashbacks, recall, abuse, violence, anxiety. PTSD in children, childhood trauma, children with post traumatic stress, trauma in
children, PTSD stress in children, mental health, childhood abuse,kids violence, kids understanding ptsd, war, death, illness, disease, child psychology