Smarter, Faster, Better: The Secrets of Being Productive in Life and Business

Smarter, Faster, Better: The Secrets of Being Productive in Life and Business
NT $ 565
  • 作者:Charles Duhigg
  • 出版社:Random House UK
  • 出版日期:2016-03-08
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:0434023469
  • ISBN13:9780434023462
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版



  以《為什麼我們這樣生活、那樣工作》暢銷全球的普立茲獎得主Charles Duhigg,最擅長的就是透過腦科學、心理學與行為經濟學找到扭轉成果的關鍵按鈕,這次更要將槓桿原理發揮到極致,透過許多生動案例研究,像是冰雪奇緣幕後工作、谷歌團隊合作研究計畫,以及傳奇節目週六夜現場,幫助我們找到精準施力點,把心力用得更精明、執行任何計畫都能更快、更好、更有創意!

  在全球暢銷書《為什麼我們這樣生活,那樣工作?》(The power of habit)中,普立茲獎得主杜希格解釋習慣如何改變決定,影響人生;而在新書《Smarter Faster Better》中,杜希格秉持相同的好奇心,用精闢的報導以及生動的敘事方式,告訴我們面對相同的一件事,怎麼做才能夠做得更好。


  《Smarter Faster Better》一書的精髓在於八個概念:從動機、目標設定到關鍵決策,解釋為何某些人或某些公司,總是能實現其設定的目標。本書並利用最新的神經科學、行為心理學知識,並借鑑企業執行長、教育改革者、四星上將、飛行員、百老匯作曲家的經歷,告訴我們,那些最有生產力的人,不僅是表現出的行為不同,而在於他們看待世界、選擇決策,與我們有根本的差異。

  We are living through an economic revolution. Like all previous revolutions, no one knows who will lose or gain, or how it will end. But one thing is certain: those who become more productive will prosper. Those who become less productive won’t.

  Exploring recent discoveries in psychology, neurology, and economics, Smarter Faster Better illuminates why some people seem to cram more useful hours into each day.

  Like Duhigg’s bestselling The Power of Habit, Smarter Faster Better draws on deep narratives to show readers how to transform their own lives and businesses and will feature examples from around the world. Based on pioneering research, extensive reporting and exclusive interviews with the scientists, psychologists and business minds working to revolutionise our lives, Smarter Faster Better is a revelatory and illuminating new work from the author of the bestselling The Power of Habit.
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