A Sandhills Reader: Thirty Years of Great Writing from the Great Plains

A Sandhills Reader: Thirty Years of Great Writing from the Great Plains
NT $ 700


A Sandhills Reader:  30 Years of Great Writing from the Great Plains is a retrospective anthology of some of the best work published by Sandhills Press, a Nebraska-based small press concern for literature, between 1979 and 2009.

The anthology collects poems, criticism, and creative prose from such authors as David Baker, Hilda Raz, Ted Kooser, Barton Sutter, William Kloefkorn, Twyla Hansen, Ronald Wallace, Kelly Cherry, Dana Gioia, Greg Kuzma, Don Welch, Kathleene West, Jonathan Holden, Greg Kosmicki, and numerous others. In the thirty years that Sandhills Press published, the imprint promoted the works of new and established writers and helped to define what Great Plains poetry was all about.

In addition to the selected works, many of the writers included provide commentary and literary memoirs about Sandhills Press and what the press meant to them and to their aesthetic.
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