Written by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), this 2015 supplement should be read in conjunction with the Manual of Accounting IFRS 2015 PACK [ISBN ISBN 978 1 78043 811 5], which is the definitive
guide to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for those reporting outside of the UK. *** In North America, this guide will be of relevance to Canada, which has adopted IFRS
accounting standards, but not to the US, which uses US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). The supplement provides complementary guidance on how to prepare financial statements in
accordance with the IFRS and amendments to the IFRS issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) as of September 30, 2015. Key updates included in the supplement are: IFRS 9
classification and measurement * IFRS 9 impairment * IFRS 9 hedge accounting * IFRS 15 revenue * an appendix to the illustrative accounts for IFRS 9 ’financial instruments’ * an appendix to the
illustrative accounts for IFRS 15 ’revenue from contracts with customers’ * a summary of minor changes to the existing chapters in the manual.