Wiley GAAP Financial Statement Disclosures Manual
$5,625 -
Controlling-kennzahlen / Key Performance Indicators: Zweisprachiges Kompendium Deutsch/Englisch / Bi-lingual Compendium. German
$3,780 -
Wiley IFRS: Practical Implementation Guide and Workbook
$4,600 -
Ifrs Convergence: A Practical Perspective
$4,050 -
And Yet It Moves: Inflation and the Great Recession
$1,710 -
Financial Accounting: A Concepts-Based Introduction
$4,048 -
Reengineering the University: How to Be Mission Centered, Market Smart, and Margin Conscious
$1,348 -
Understanding IFRS Fundamentals: International Financial Reporting Standards
$4,050 -
Corporations and American Democracy
$1,575 -
Student Workbook and Study Guide to Accompany Hospitality Management Accounting, 10e
$1,818 -
International Corporate Governance: A Comparative Approach
$2,968 -
Accounting Desk Book 2017
$13,050 -
Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making
$15,975 -
Linking Health and Education for African American Students’ Success
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Ohio Taxes, Guidebook to 2017
$5,400 -
The Rise and Fall of the Italian Film Industry
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The Bonds of Debt
$593 -
Public Corruption: Regional and National Perspectives on Procurement Fraud
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The Future of Federalism: Intergovernmental Financial Relations in an Age of Austerity
$7,200 -
Performing Audits, Reviews and Compilations for Entities Using the Aicpa’s Frf for Smes