A comprehensive guide to mitigating risk and achieving high-level business performance in today’s regulatory environment
In today’s increasingly regulated, global, and digital world, a new, complex regulatory landscape has emerged as one of the most difficult challenges facing organizations. Since the 2008
financial recession, an unprecedented number of laws and regulations have been created and enforced, proving to be a major threat to performance across industries. Whether you’re a C-level
executive, board member, risk professional, or business manager, it’s imperative to not only understand these challenges, but also to know how to use them to your company’s advantage.
The New Era of Regulatory Enforcement provides an overview of the challenges in managing regulatory risk, and outlines the most effective techniques for preventing, detecting, and
responding to risk in any organization. The leading global consultancy KPMG has assembled a team of highly experienced forensic practitioners to help you navigate this new landscape brought
about by Dodd Frank, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the globalization of anti-corruption, enforcement strategies by the SEC, trade and economic sanctions, and more. The authors
also explain how to incorporate compliance activities into your business strategy and operations, creating greater transparency and accountability to your stakeholders, motivating your work
force, building trust among your customers, creating brand awareness, and achieving higher earnings.