Your Asperger’s Road Map: Advice for the New Aspie Adult Congratulations! You’re all grown up and graduated and now it’s time to get out there and carve yourself a place in the world. But what
if it’s a world not necessarily made for you? Navigating adulthood is complicated for anyone, but it can be especially overwhelming for someone living with Asperger’s. You’re used to having
things the way you want them, when you want them. You’re really into history, or art, or gaming...but dating, small talk, or the workplace? Not so much. So what can you do? Fear not, dear
Aspie! Let Asperger’s and Adulthood guide you through the waters of adulthood living with Asperger’s syndrome. Blythe Grossberg, best-selling author of Asperger’s Rules!, provides workable
strategies for navigating the ins-and-outs of balancing Asperger’s with career goals, romance, and socializing. Learn step-by-step advice about leaving home or graduating from college, and
discover the freedom of making your own way-and thriving-in the world. With an estimated half a million Aspies set to enter the workforce within the next decade, your participation in the
institution of adulthood is required, and it’s totally possible to do it on your own terms. Get out on your own and make the spectrum work for you!